Revitalize and Transform

Hood River Naturopathic helps you transform your body, mind and spirit through simple connected and mindful counseling, bodywork and Naturopathic care.

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a black and white drawing of a person 's head and neck being affected by the light touch of a craniosacral therapist

Are you ready for change?

By visiting this site you have taken the first step toward your health and your vital capacity has been activated. We look forward to supporting you in your unique process of personal transformation.

We specialize in the holistic support of our clients well being. Beyond reducing symptoms or preventing disease and death, our services help to enhance the functional capacity of our patient's bodies, minds and spirits. Our process helps you to take a thorough inventory of your vitality from all facets. Our holistic intake and personal inventory will help you to truly understand the strengths and weaknesses of your constitution and help you to align more with the life you were destined for. 

What to expect from your session Schedule a Session

About the Naturopathic Approach to Health Care

The naturopathic approach to healthcare is a system of medicine that focuses on supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) utilize a combination of traditional healing practices, lifestyle modifications, and evidence-based natural therapies to address the root causes of illness and promote overall wellness.

Key principles of the naturopathic approach include:

  • First, do no harm: Naturopathic doctors aim to use the least invasive and least harmful therapies to support the body's innate healing process.

  • Identify and treat the root cause: Instead of just addressing symptoms, naturopathic medicine seeks to uncover and address the underlying causes of illness, which may involve factors such as poor diet, stress, environmental toxins, or genetic predispositions.

  • Treat the whole person: Naturopathic doctors consider the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person's health when developing treatment plans. They recognize that these factors are interconnected and influence overall well-being.

  • Doctor as teacher: Naturopathic doctors empower patients to take an active role in their health by educating them about their condition, treatment options, and ways to prevent illness through lifestyle modifications.

  • Prevention: Naturopathic medicine emphasizes the importance of preventing disease by promoting healthy habits and addressing risk factors before they lead to illness.

  • Support the body's healing power: Naturopathic treatments aim to stimulate the body's inherent ability to heal itself. This may involve using natural therapies such as botanical medicine, nutrition, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and lifestyle counseling.

  • Individualized treatment: Naturopathic doctors recognize that each person is unique and may require personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs and health goals.

Naturopathic medicine is often used to complement conventional medical treatments, and Doctor Meager works in collaboration with other healthcare providers to provide comprehensive care for his patients.

How does your body heal?


Your body is designed to handle the stresses of life. When stresses occur our Your body responds to the irritation with Inflammation. 


Redness, swelling, tension are your bodies protective responses to disturbances. These are the bodies attempts to deal with the cause of the issues at hand.

a diagram showing the causes of chronic inflammation and degenerative states

Chronic Inflammation and Degeneration

This is the realm of medicine and disease, where inflammation  has  gone unchecked and the  discharge of the disturbance is suppressed of overwhelmed. 

Depending on the nature of the disturbance and the tissues affected, degeneration can take on several forms such as tumor, scar, atrophy, and ulcer. These states are given names and called conditions, but they are still expressions of the bodies innate capacity and intent on healing.


To heal your body must discharge the metabolites of the disturbance. Naturopath are discharge facilitators.


When inflammation or discharge is suppressed the body is unable to heal completely. This can push the inflammatory issues to become chronic.

Naturopathic Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy & Body Counseling

At Good River Naturopathic we offer gentle support to your bodies innate healing capabilities, enhancing vitality and empowering our patient's to get the most out of every day. 
Essentially we are facilitators of transformation. empowering and honoring our patient's where they are in their healing process. Using multi factorial and holistic therapies along with patient education, energetic bodywork and mindful counseling we are able to assist people in achieving significant and meaningful change in their health and wellness. 

We invite you to experience our approach and activate your bodies unique healing capabilities. 

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Hood River Naturopathic 

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